From Diagnosis to Intervention to Education to Job Placement
A Learning Place for All
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Meet The Cheras Team

Developmental Psychologist
Nur Farah Jasmeen binti Mohd Bashir
Master in Developmental Psychology
“The study of developmental psychology is essential to understanding how humans mature. Throughout our lives, humans go through various stages of development. While most people follow common patterns in their development, others reach developmental milestones at a different pace. For me, this is so interesting and I want to be a Developmental Psychologist because I want to study, understand and do more research regarding human development; the common and different pace development. With this knowledge, we can continue with intervention to help people who have different paces of development cope and reach their full potential.”

Occupational Therapist
Nur Fatin Sharwani binti Mohd Kamari
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy
“I am a committed & friendly Occupational Therapist with a great passion for helping people of all ages especially children. Ever since i was still in high school i had a dream of being someone in medical team and good fortune i got an opportunity to study in occupational therapy and now working with children. Though it’s tough yet i am enjoying this and hoping for more to come with Hatching Family.”

Speech Therapist
Tang Qi Yau
Degree in Bachelor of Speech Science
“I have always been drawn towards helping children with special needs, and becoming a speech therapist in a special education school is the perfect way to do that. I am passionate about communication and understand how important it is for children to be able to express themselves effectively. For children with speech and language disorders, this can be particularly challenging, and I want to be there to support them every step of the way.
In addition to my passion, I am also deeply compassionate towards children with special needs. I understand that they may face unique challenges and require extra support to reach their full potential. As a speech therapist, I will work closely with each child to develop personalized therapy plans that address their specific needs and help them overcome any obstacles they may face.
My interest in pediatrics has led me towards pursuing a career in speech therapy. I find the developmental process fascinating and believe that working with children requires a special level of patience, care, and attention. I am committed to making a positive difference in the lives of these children and helping them achieve their goals. Overall, being a speech therapist in a special education school would be a fulfilling and rewarding career for me, as I get to combine my passion, compassion, and interest in pediatrics to make a real impact in the lives of these children.”

Teacher of Early Intervention Program, Cheras
Jacqueline Ha Xue Ting
Diploma in Special Needs Early Childhood Education, Certificate in Permata
“I always enjoy being surrounded by the children. I believe that there is not much better than helping children to reach their potential. I strongly care about those who are less fortunate than I am. It's rewarding to know I have been able to reach them and help them on their way to future independence. I love doing new things like teaching children new things and see their reaction to things about it.”

Child Psychologist, Trainee and Senior Teacher of Bridging Program, Cheras
Joanne Thean Mei Lee
Master of Child Psychology, Attended Speech, Occupational Therapy Workshops, and Hannen Program
“I want to become a teacher because it is my passion to make a positive difference in an individual life. Teaching is not only giving but also receiving, the knowledge that was taught by the teacher and at certain times children was the one enlightens the teacher with lots of different ideas. We both somehow learn from each other in some way.”

Teacher of School Readiness Program, Cheras
Cheow Kim Ying
Diploma in Special Education (Early Year)
“Becoming a special needs teacher is not easy, but it lets me learn a lot of things. And why I want to become a special needs teacher is because I know that the way we educate them not only influences the children's life it also impacts their family.”

Head of School and Teacher of Pre-Voc and Vocational Program, Cheras
Rachel Leong
Diploma in Learning Disorder Management and Child Psychology, Attended Speech, Occupational Therapy Workshops, and Hannen Program
“I want to be a Special Needs Teacher because the things we do and teach will impact the children’s life ahead and eventually the society. There aren’t many in this field, having a special needs brother myself hope that I could bring awareness to the people around me. So that they would be ‘accepted’ and people would be more willing to give them a chance to work and a chance to be independent in the future.”

Senior Teacher of Pre-Voc and Vocational Program, Cheras
Lesya Praveena Nair
Diploma in Learning Disorder Management and Child Psychology ,Advance Diploma in Special Education , Certificate in Teaching Phonics & Phonetics , Attended Dyslexia Program and Attended Brain gym program
“I had a late sister, who has Angelman Syndrome, who had unfortunately passed away at a young age of 7. Although my time with her is brief and challenging, I have learnt a lot from her about empathy and patience. Her passing really inspired me to pick a career in special needs education to help others who are special like my sister. For me, this is more than just a job, it’s my tribute and legacy to my late sister.”

Teacher of Pre-Voc and Vocational Program, Cheras
Anthony Kok Shiung Ye
Bachelor of Science in Physics with Nanotechnology
Diploma in Micro and Nanotechology
“My favorite subjects are physics and science. Exploring the unknown space and then sharing what I learnt with other people is what brings me the most joy. I've always become a kid when I get to share the things I loved . Perhaps this is what essence teaching is for me, the joy of sharing what you experienced in life.
For me, this job is an opportunity that came knocking. The opportunity to touch another life, the opportunity to share what I know and be able to bring joy and peace to people around me. Although there are still things for me to learn about special children , I really enjoy the small moments when I can understand and bond with them, and share with them what I know in life. As much as I am teaching them, I am also learning a lot from them of myself as a person.
I want to leave this world knowing that I have brought change to a budding life, however special the kid may be.”

Assistant Teacher, Cheras
Siti Hawa Binti Mohd Hanafi
Bachelor of Science with Honour (Cognitive Science)
“As a child, I always thought that I understood my inner world better than anyone else, yet I need someone to understand me as well. As a teenager, I want someone to understand me better, so I become more friendly with people. However, the consequences come when you feel lost in your identity. As an adult, I wonder how it feels to stay free like a child. Until the day when I needed to decide on my actual goals, I realised something that brought me special interest in humans, especially children, which is their inner child. Therefore, being a special needs teacher is something that can help me expand my knowledge and experience with various kinds of children. Each of us must have been through a process where we tried to discover our inner child. Therefore, it takes a special heart for me to be able to explore their inner child through their learning process. The inner child is an initial light for the children to spark their own.”

Assistant Teacher, Cheras
Wan Kah Ming, Jerry
Bachelor of Psychology, attended Hanen Program
“If you were to tell me that I would be working in education field, specifically, special education fields few years back. I wouldn't had believe you. And yet, life indeed works in mysterious way. Although it can be tiring at times working in this field, it is truly a blessing to work with special needs students because our efforts are fruitful. It definitely put a smile on our face knowing children can grow step by step under our care. Learning does not work in single but bi-directional way as we also learn from children how to be better teacher and a better person.”

Kitchen Helper and Cleaner
“The reason that leads me to became a SEN Teacher today was during my Practicum days at one of the Government School at Cheras. I taught English for half a year there. Since it was rather a rural area, it was heavily populated with low and middle income family. Most of the kids I taught were lacking and having a lot of trouble in most of their subjects. That’s when I first encountered directly with students that have difficulties in learning and it affects me heavily that I don’t know the methods or correct way to help or educate them. And from there, I also thought that one day, what if my family have someone who’s having these problems and no one to help.
This is the path of life that is chosen by me to at least be someone there that able to help any children that may be struggling and needed help.”